Denver Personal Injury Attorney
Attorney Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C.
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Copyright 2010, Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C. All Rights Reserved
Denver, Colorado Personal Injury Attorney Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C..

Fighting for the Rights of Auto-Car Accident Victims Since 1976

If you have been injured because of a negligent driver, a medical or legal professional, or by a defective product, you deserve to be compensated. You need to talk to a lawyer and to be informed of your legal rights and to have competent legal representation.

Since 1976, Lawyer Anthony Cicerelli has developed an excellent reputation for handling personal injury claims by applying expert negotiating and litigation skills to every client’s case in the Denver Metro Area.
As his client, you will receive high quality and affordable legal representation. You also will receive detailed, prompt, and personal follow-through.

Since personal injury victims often are unemployed or unable to work for some time, you can secure Mr. Cicerelli’s services on a contingency basis. Acting as your advocate, Personal Injury Lawyer Anthony Cicerelli will work hard to successfully negotiate a fair and generous settlement for your case.

After your free initial consultation, he will handle your case on an hourly or contingent fee basis. Most importantly, the attorney will work with you personally, from the initial development of your strategy through trial or settlement.

Auto Accident Law
Contacting an attorney who deals with personal injury like Attorney Cicerelli (especially relating to auto accidents) can provide you with the peace of mind that no stone gets left unturned. Here are some tips for when you get involved in a auto accident:

  • You should contact immediately contact a Lawyer when:
  • An injury has occurred where there has been serious injury (broken bones / hospitalization) or where injuries are likely to be permanent (paralysis);
  • A death has resulted from the accident;
  • Fault is clearly an issue.
  • Other parties were involved such as pedestrians or other autos.
  • The accident occurred in a construction area.
  • A police report does not accurately describe the accident and puts you at fault.
  • Important technical, legal or medical issues are involved.
  • The limits of your liability insurance are low.
  • You have no insurance, or your insurance company suggests that you did not pay your premium.

You may also want to speak to an Lawyer when:

  • Seeking advice on the settlement value of a claim (while not an exact science, attorneys may be able to provide best and worse case scenarios);
  • Unsure if other insurance (homeowners, travel, etc.) may be available;
  • Fault may be an issue,
  • Determining whether your insurer may be acting in bad faith (not looking out for your best interests);
  • Seeking information on how to handle negotiations with an insurer;
  • You don’t know your rights;
  • Confused over the terms of your policy;
  • Needing an expert to review confusing paperwork or forms.

Navigating through the legal maze when an accident occurs requires the expertise of a law firm who will fight to protect your rights, call the Law Office of Attorney Anthony J. Cicerelli P.C. at 720.306.8438, we are ready to help you.
The Law Firm Of Attorney
Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C.

4155 East Jewell Avenue,
Suite 500, Denver, CO 80222
Tel: (720) 306-8438
Main Fax: (303) 268-3980
Call Now For A FREE
Discussion About Your
Situation And Case