Denver Personal Injury Attorney
Attorney Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C.
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Denver, Colorado Personal Injury Attorney Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C..
Wrongful Death
When an incident occurs that gives rise to a personal injury claim in Denver those who have been injured often face a long and difficult recovery, but the fact is that many victims over time do recover and get back into their normal routines. However, that's sadly not the case for all victims of negligence or recklessness, and some victims are not even given the choice as to whether they have to pay the ultimate price as a result of someone else's actions or failure to act – death.
While no one even wants to consider this possibility, it is unavoidable for too many people every year in the Denver area, and if this sounds familiar, you need to contact the offices of Anthony J. Cicerelli P.C., as soon as possible to schedule a free initial consultation. Your legal rights need to be protected. Below are several types of damages that could effect the quality of your life.
Compensatory Damages
If your loved one has been wrongfully killed in the eyes of the law, you would be entitled to recover all medical costs that related to his or her treatment before death, all funeral and burial expenses and any other costs you’ve incurred directly as a result of the incident in question.
Loss of Income
Obviously, when someone is killed by the actions of another, that victim will no longer be generating income for his or her family or dependents. This is one of the most important types of damages in a wrongful death case. The relevant different policies of the law attempt to make the victim fully compensated or whole to the highest degree possible. In addition there is great emotional damage of losing a loved one forever. This type of loss is very hard to value but extremely important. With respect to loss of income the deceased's income and earning capacity are used to compute the amount of lost income through the victims probable years of employment.
Loss of Companionship
Another, less tangible form of damages is called many different things in courtrooms, including loss of consortium, but what they all mean is that you could be entitled to a recovery based on the fact that your loved one/spouse is no longer around to help you through your daily life. It’s difficult to put a damages number on such a loss, but that’s why you need the help of a wrongful death lawyer to provide you with the guidance you need.
Your Next Step
If someone you love has been wrongfully killed by the actions of another, you need to take action to protect the interests of the family members who are forced to move on in life. Contact the wrongful death lawyers at the law offices of Anthony J. Cicerelli today to schedule a free initial consultation. You owe it to yourself and to those who depend on you to protect your rights.
The Law Firm Of Attorney
Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C.
4155 East Jewell Avenue,
Suite 500, Denver, CO 80222
Tel: (303) 758-0680
Main Fax: (303) 268-3980
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