Denver Personal Injury Attorney
Attorney Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C.
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Denver, Colorado Personal Injury Attorney Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C..

Serious Injuries
Denver is an area that’s filled with residents, tourists and all walks of life at any given time.  It’s grown steadily in terms of population and popularity as a destination in recent years, and all of this can lead to an increased likelihood that more and more unforeseen incidents will occur.  This is especially true when it comes to personal injury issues.

Unfortunately, some injuries that are caused by negligence or recklessness not only lead to injuries, but catastrophic injuries that change the course of the victim’s life forever.  When this happens, the victim is often unable to act for him or herself, as he or she is medically incapacitated to a large degree.

If this has happened to you, then you need to act now to protect your rights.  Contact the law offices of Anthony J. Cicerelli P.C. today to schedule a free initial consultation, as you need to obtain an understanding of your legal rights and options.  In the meantime, below are a few relevant considerations in regards to catastrophic injury situations in Denver.

Long-Term Medical Costs
If someone is catastrophically injured, he or she will likely be limited physically and perhaps mentally for the rest of his or her life.  This reality carries everyday consequences, such as constant and never-ending physical rehabilitation, the need for highly technical equipment such as motorized wheelchairs, ramps to get into and out of specialized vans and many other machines and products that will be necessary to protect any quality of life value that can be saved.

Obviously, this all costs money, and potentially a lot of money.  Even if the victim is insured, that doesn’t mean that the insurance policy will cover every cost, and in fact most will not and will stop covering expenses beyond a certain point.  This all becomes even more difficult when acknowledging the next consideration regarding catastrophic injuries in Denver, which appears below.

Lost Income
If someone is severely and catastrophically injured, it’s also likely that he or she will be unable to work and to generate a viable income for the foreseeable future and perhaps for the rest of his or her life, depending on the skills and experience the victim possessed at the time of the injury incident.  This is also a harsh reality, and only increases the stress that comes with required purchases, ongoing costs and necessary lifestyle changes in the home and the vehicle.

Your Next Step
As you see, a catastrophic injury is a terrible situation for all many reasons.  If this has happened to you or someone you love, you need to contact the law office of Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C. today to schedule a free initial consultation.  You could be entitled to a large recovery to help with these expenses.  Many different results can occur because of a catistrophic injury, call Mr Cicerelli today.

The Law Firm Of Attorney
Anthony J. Cicerelli, P.C.

4155 East Jewell Avenue,
Suite 500, Denver, CO 80222
Tel: (720) 306-8438
Main Fax: (303) 268-3980
Call Now For A FREE
Discussion About Your
Situation And Case